37 Varieties of Mangoes

37 varieties of Mangoes (Photographs)

I present you the photographs of 37 varieties of Mangoes which were displayed in Lalbagh Botanical Gardens during the annual Mango and Jackfruit Fair 2015. The fair was conducted in the month of May-June 2015.


Abidpuri Mango

I have also documented some facts about mangoes and its nutritional value as well. While you go through the photographs, you may also wish to read these facts which are sourced from Wikipedia and other nutritional books. Continue reading

Lalbagh Mango and Jack-fruit Fair 2015

Mangoes everywhere in Lalbagh

It was more of mango than jackfruit in Lalbagh Botanical Gardens. I saw about 4-5 jack fruits displayed but it was mango which occupied the majority space in the garden.

Lalbagh Mangoe Display
Lalbagh Mangoe Display

The special about this “Mango Fare” is that the mango displayed and sold here are grown organically and it’s not ripened artificially. In short, the fruits were chemical free. Continue reading